Handpas Project
Handpas Project
Handpas Project
Handpas Project
Paleolithic Hands in European Rock Art

Handpas Project
Under the auspices of the Handpas Project partners - the Junta de Extremadura (Regional Government of Extremadura - Spain), Centro Studi e Museo d’Arte Preistorica (Study Centre and Museum of Prehistoric Art - Italy) and the Instituto Terra e Memória (Centre for Higher Education Studies in Mação – Portugal) - and with the assistance of Pilar Fatás, Directora, Museo Nacional y Centro de Investigación de Altamira and a founding member of the Rock Art Network, this section introduces this interactive resource project to the scientific community as well as to the general public.

→ Spanish https://www.handpas.eu/proyecto/
→ English https://www.handpas.eu/en/

Handpas Project Hand Hands Mofif Symbol Cave Rock Art Paintings Archaeology
El Castillo
© Handpas
Handpas Project Hand Hands Mofif Symbol Cave Rock Art Paintings Archaeology
Fuente del Trucho
© Handpas
Handpas Project Hand Hands Mofif Symbol Cave Rock Art Paintings Archaeology
Chauvet Cave
© Jean Clottes
Handpas Project Hand Hands Mofif Symbol Cave Rock Art Paintings Archaeology
Cave of Altamira
© Museo de Altamira
Handpas Project Hand Hands Mofif Symbol Cave Rock Art Paintings Archaeology
Maltravieso Cave
© Handpas & Mario Modesto
Handpas Project Hand Hands Mofif Symbol Cave Rock Art Paintings Archaeology
Pech Merle
© Bradshaw Foundation
The Project

Art is common and universal part of these elements and some of the representations we may find have been created in different parts of the world and at different chronological moments, although many of them keep exactly the same shape and typology. In this way, we could consider hand representation as one of those universal elements, whose distribution is shown in such remote places as Australia, Borneo, Argentina, Africa and Europe. HANDPAS project is focused on documenting and spreading the Paleolithic hand representations in Europe.

This project is designed to reach different goals. Among them, the most remarkable one is to make quality documental, graphic and theoretical information available for researchers (as well as for the general public) through a free access digital platform. To this aim, the basic element for data collection of the best European sites showing Paleolithic hands will be the use of 3D high resolution scanning technology.

Particular features of the heritage assets under research, which are always fragile and placed in caves with limited access or difficult to reach, are the ones leading to the proposed documentary method (because of its reliability and highly accurate details). Together with the solutions given for display and diffusion, it becomes a powerful tool for researchers who are focused on aspects related to hands representations in the rock art, so they can work remotely, overcoming physical barriers which may rise from access conditions as well as the preservation of the caves and its paintings.

Due to different technical, logistical and cultural factors, rock art seen as a link among the proposed European areas (in Spain, France and Italy) has never received the importance and cultural spread that it should worth.

In this way, this project intends to create a multimedia platform which allows rock art to become closer at the same time it performs graphical and metric research to contribute to its modernization and innovation.

The user is entering into a data base with quality graphic content where three-dimensional real models of panels with Paleolithic hands are shown in real-time and it is possible to interact with them thanks to different tools: 3D visualizer, measuring, directional light, digitally treated image; they are all integrated on the own website.

Following these aspects, HANDPAS is aimed to:

  • Develop a high definition documentation protocol totally friendly to rock art.
  • Launch an integrated data base also interrelated, able to help researchers to search details about Paleolithic hands representations.
  • Create a web environment for visualizing three-dimensional models and high resolution images allowing real-time interaction with the information, available for researchers, curators, students and the general public.

Rock Art Links

→  Subscribe free to the Bradshaw Foundation YouTube Channel

→ Hand Paintings in Rock Art
→ Hand Paintings in World Rock Art
→ Cueva de las Manos | Cave of the Hands
→ The Role of Hand Prints in the Rock Art of the South-Western Cape
→ Handprints in the Rock Art & Tribal Art of Central India
→ Hand Stencils in Chhattisgarh India
→ Hand prints found in Altamira
→ Handpas Project
→ Prehistoric Hand Paintings in the Cave of Maltravieso
→ Hand stencils and their missing fingers

→ Bradshaw Foundation
→ Rock Art Network

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